
During December, we celebrate the trajectory recognitions, commemorating those who have celebrated 10, 15, 20 and 25 years with IPH during the year.
There is no greater satisfaction for a company than to see over time how the proposed objectives are being met. But beyond this, it is essential to recognize and highlight the fact that most of what has been achieved has been achieved thanks to the work that day by day deliver their collaborators. That is why, once again, we are pleased to be able to distinguish those who are fulfilling stages within the organization.
Congratulations to:
Argüello, Gabriel Erasmo
Páez, Miguel Angel
Alvarez, José Claudio
Arrejoria, Rafael Roberto
Weber, Jorge Ricardo
Menne, Germán Hugo
Rodriguez, Walter Daniel
Aguilar, Domingo Antonio
Garis, Esteban Omar
Ocampo, Guillermo Alejandro
Puchetta, Walter Domingo
Benitez, José Claudio
Torancio, Julio César
Di Meola, Mariano Gastón
Sciorra, Mariela
Martinez, Epifanio Daniel
Sosa, Darío Raúl
Ybañez, Daniel Alberto
Laginestra, José Luis
Albergati, Fernando
Celan, Claudio Gabriel
Mosqueda, Hilda Yolanda
Rosales, Oscar Gerardo
Julio, Gustavo Alberto
Sánchez, Gabriel Anibal
Miranda, Victor Hugo
Schipelhut, Juan Eduardo
Solozabal, Jose Luis
Aguilar, Rubén Hugo
Folcher, Carlos Alberto
Motta, Erica Noemí
Martinez, Ariel Ismael
Deering, Cristian Dario
Ledesma, Gerardo Elías
Romero, Cristian Daniel
Russo, Daniel Hernán
Barbagallo, Leonardo Germán
Valdirene Galvao Da Cunha
Claudio Galvao Da Cunha
Ariel Gaston Devito
Andrea Dos Santos Tilelli
Fernando Leo Alcantara De Oliveira